Assist with Georgetown Village social events, programs, outreach, communications and fundraising
Our valued volunteers are vital to the success of Georgetown Village. Each volunteer brings unique skills, abilities, and experiences. We work with our volunteers to find good matches. Volunteering should be a rewarding experience, and you are always free to decline any requests for help that do not fit into your schedule or interests.
We ask that our members and volunteers abide by our Privacy Policyand Volunteer Code of Ethics. This helps establish appropriate boundaries and respect the privacy of our members.
Georgetown Village Volunteers
Thank You to Our Amazing Volunteers!
Volunteer Spotlight
Our volunteers are assisting our members on a daily basis, and we really appreciate all they do for our members.
Above are just a few photos of some of the unique services our volunteers have provided this past year; such as assembling furniture, grocery shopping for members, replacing light bulbs, gardening, and shoveling.